A Timeline of the Major Events That Took Place During World War Two
Learn about the major events that took place between 1918 and 1941 that ultimately led to the beginning of the timeline of the World War II. These events took place between the years of 1918 and 1941.
It was a difficult time to be alive, what with the tumultuous conclusion of World War I, the rise of the Nazi party, and the bloody beginning of World War II.
A difficult beginning was also a part of the battle. There is a good chance that several of these occurrences will take place over the first season of World on Fire. World War I, sometimes known as “the war to end all wars,” comes to an end with Germany’s defeat at the hands of the United Kingdom, France, the United States, and other allies. United states declares war and combined allied forces.
The Ascension of Hitler to the Position of Chancellor of Germany After Adolf Hitler was installed in his post as chancellor of Germany, he soon rose to the position of dictator in the country and consolidated his power. German rearmament gets underway.
Following Germany’s invasion of Poland, both Britain and France, who had previously been Poland’s allies, declared war on Poland. Stalin’s authorization of Hitler’s invasion of Poland served the objective of acquiring a chunk of Polish territory while working in concert with Hitler. This was the motivation behind Stalin’s actions.
The German army has acknowledged and accepted the city of Warsaw’s capitulation. Before finally giving up the struggle and surrendering, Poland continued to put up a fight for an additional nine days.

British cruisers were successful in sinking a German pocket battleship during the Battle of the River Plate, which was the first important naval action of World War II. The Battle of the River Plate took place in Argentina.
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In the form of a list, these are the timelines of World War II.
The compilation of timelines that follows provides an account of the events that took place during World War II.
The key timelines for World War Two can be found here.
- Chronology of events during the Second World War (1939)
- Chronology of events during the Second World War (1940)
- Chronology of events during the Second World War (1941)
- Chronology of events during the Second World War (1942)
- Chronology of events during the Second World War (1943)
- Chronology of events during the Second World War (1944)
- Chronology of events during the Second World War (1945)
Altercations, provocative propaganda, and violent conflicts
The invasion of Poland was carried out in stages over a period of time (1939)
The events of the Battle of France in the chronological order in which they occurred (1939–1940)
The chronology of events during the Battle of the Atlantic (1939–1945)
A chronological order of the events that took place during the Winter War (1939–1940)
The following is a summary of the schedule for the Norwegian campaign: (1940)
A timeline depicting the course of the Campaign in Northern Africa (1940–1943)
A chronological account of the actions that took place on the Eastern Front during World War II (1941–1945)
German troops
Declarations of war declared at different points throughout World War II’s existence and at various locations. A detailed overview in chronological order of the activities that took place on the home front in the United Kingdom during World War II (1939–1945)
The timetable that was decided upon by the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact (1918–1941)
Sweden’s involvement in World War II timeline (1939–1945)
The timeline for the completion of the Manhattan Project (1939–1947)
The aerial engagements that took place over the course of the War in Europe at various points in time.
A chronological account of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust
In addition to that, one that was used during the First World War (1914–1918): the progression of occurrences that took place throughout the Weimar Republic; a chronological breakdown of the Second Italian War in Ethiopia.
The following is a chronology of events during the Spanish Civil War, the Holocaust Encyclopedia’s Chronology of Significant Events That Took Place During World War II.
soviet prisoners
A Chronology of Events During the Second World War
Have a look at this timeline to get a better understanding of the significant events that occurred both before and after World War II. Concentration camps were the setting for the execution of a considerable number of European Jews during World War II. Germany forces war and France declares war.
The Nazi regime’s racial and antisemitic policies grew from persecution to extermination as German armies controlled and conquered ever-larger sections of Europe, the Soviet Union, and North Africa during this time period.
These measures had a direct and particular focus on Jews. On September 18, 1931, Japan began an invasion of Manchuria that it had been planning for some time. Italy’s fascist government launched an invasion of Ethiopia on October 2, 1935, and continued its conquest and annexation of the country until May 1936. The British prime minister failed to resist the German invasion.
The occurrence occurred during the specified time range in question. between the 25th and 1st of November in the year 1936. On October 25, fascist Italy and Nazi Germany signed an agreement to cooperate with one another.
The agreement was signed in Fascist Italy. The Rome-Berlin Axis issued a proclamation on November 1st, marking the beginning of their alliance. On November 25, 1936, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan formalized their agreement to resist the Communist International by signing a contract together.
The goal of the pact is to advance the communist movement all over the world, including within the borders of the Soviet Union. The beginning of Japan’s invasion of China took place on July 7, 1937. On November 26, 1937, Italy joined Germany and Japan in signing the Anti-Communist Pact and became a member of the organization.